Onyx Estimated to Offset Over 40% Energy Use at SEWD
Using tracking technology, the solar arrays generate nearly 4,300 MWh per year, which is the equivalent of ~2,100 metric tons of CO2 avoided annually.
In 2019, Onyx completed a 2.2MW solar ground-mounted, single-axis tracking system for Stockton East Water District in Northern California under a 20-year PPA.The 2,207 kWDC Stockton East Water District project consists of over 6,688 panels spanning both the Low Lift and High Service sides.The system is expected to offset the district’s electricity usage by nearly 44% per year.
First multi-family community in New York state to be awarded LEED Platinum certification
As a direct result of Onyx’s efforts, StuyTown and Peter Cooper Village became the first multi-family communities in New York state to be awarded LEED Platinum certification, the highest level of green building certification.
The StuyTown and Peter Cooper Village project also benefits New York City as a whole. All energy generated by the StuyTown panels is collected and distributed in the power grid by the local utility, Consolidated Edison (Con Edison). This extra solar energy will help reduce outages by taking pressure off the grid when demand for electricity is peaking on hot summer days.